The Opportunity.
A position with Mayne Wetherell gives you an unparalleled opportunity to kickstart your legal career.
The deals at Mayne Wetherell don’t happen behind closed doors. Our open plan office layout creates an excellent environment to learn and build relationships within the firm. It also means that our summer clerks are given an unfiltered insight into all aspects of our practice from day one.
We invest significant time and effort into training and developing our lawyers to ensure that they have breadth of knowledge and experience necessary to surpass our clients’ expectations. For our lawyers, this is the key to driving individual growth and professional development. Time and again, the opportunities provided to our lawyers result in them progressing at a faster rate than their peers at other firms.
The Work.
Mayne Wetherell doesn’t operate a rotation system. Operating as a single team, our graduates and lawyers have exposure to all areas of law that underpin corporate and finance transactions. Our approach is in sharp contrast to full-service law firms, where young lawyers often work in an extremely specialised area of law for the practice team to which they are allocated.
A broad range of work provides a challenging and interesting workload for our graduates and lawyers and ensures that they learn about all aspects of a client’s business and develop enduring relationships with our clients. For our clients, our approach ensures that they will always receive the best possible advice on a matter regardless of which member of our firm they are dealing with.
The Experience.
Our summer clerks slot straight into our practice, being assigned to teams working on real transactions that are underway at the time. This hands-on experience is complemented by a specialised training programme that provides a macro view of our practice and the law that underpins it. The mentoring of our lawyers is treated with the highest priority and their training is directly supervised by the partnership.
Our young lawyers are given opportunities and encouragement to extend themselves from an early stage, but we ensure that they are never out of their depth. Our partners make it a priority to be available to provide support and guidance.
Summer is our most social season. Our summer clerks have the opportunity to participate in all of our social events – including networking with clients and other lawyers at functions, social club events and relaxing at Friday night drinks.
The Rewards.
Our young lawyers, including summer clerks, are the future of our firm. Each partner invests significant time training and developing our lawyers. This investment, combined with a remuneration package well in excess of the rest of the market, ensures that our young lawyers have the ideal start to their careers.
At Mayne Wetherell, your first day with us is the first day of your career with our firm. If you start as a summer clerk, the summer is not a trial period. Our faith that we have selected the right candidates allows us to commit our full time and energy into training those people from the outset. Since the inception of our firm every summer clerk has been offered a graduate position.
Your training and development begin on your very first day, and will continue throughout your career with the firm. We are focused on growing and developing our young lawyers to achieve their potential. Every member of the firm is committed to teaching and training our junior lawyers, because we know that is how we will remain market leaders.